The Be in Be Original

The Be in Be Original – I am Bernadette, founder and visionary of the Be Original brand (which stands for Bernadette Original) I have a heart for creating employment, and assisting underprivileged and marginalised women in the community to generate a sustainable income through sewing and producing African crafts.

I have always had a unique style and a passion for African clothing and expressing myself creatively. In 2015, my family navigated difficult financial times, and I started looking for ways to supplement my family income in a way that was not only sustainable, but also incorporated something that I loved.

I started off with zero fashion experience, no budget and a borrowed a sewing machine.


I hopped onto Google and “Voila!”, I created my very first dress and skirt and Be Original was born! I showed my outfits to a friend who in turn showed another friend and that made me realise, that I could actually do this! I then started to create items from the offcuts, leaving no piece of material unused and in return creating a sustainable, eco-friendly, zero-waste business.

Today, the business is growing rapidly. Our African products and accessories have gone to various countries like Australia, Italy and Ireland. We mainly focus on African clothing and accessories but also curios and products that are supplied to the tourism industry.

My motto is : “Work with what you have in your hand.” You may feel that you are in a hopeless situation, that you have nothing to offer. But give your nothing to God so that He can turn your nothing into SOMETHING!

Bernadette Swartz

Owner & Founder